Pagan Pride of East Tennessee
Pagan Pride of East Tennessee is an organization that helps coordinate events in the local pagan community and is based on the Pagan Pride Project. The largest of these events is Pagan Pride Day – held in the Autumn of each year, near the Equinox. The focus of this event is to bring the community together in a spirit of kinship, education, and tolerance. This event doubles as a food drive to benefit a large local food pantry.
Organization occurs through the efforts of an elected board, consisting of 13 members, along with other volunteers from the community. PPET became a 501(c)3 IRS recognized organization in 2016, which allows your donations to be tax deductible. You can learn more about the members of current and past board members using the links provided.
If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact us. If you would like to support our organization financially, you may donate safely via Paypal. 100% of donations go towards the planning and completion of the events the PPET board organizes. PPET board members are volunteers from the community and are not financially compensated in any way.
2017-2018 Board (Current)
President: Talbin MacGillivray | Vice-President: William Lee | Treasurer: Patrick Patterson | Secretary: Dreager Green
Jennifer Downey |
Zwgeren |
2016-2017 Board
President: William Lee | Vice-President: Talbin MacGillivray | Treasurer: Patrick Patterson | Secretary: Dreager Green
Krikkit |
Zwgeren |
Talbin (President)
Talbin has been working within Knoxville’s pagan community since 2000 in a variety of roles including clergy, event organization, and community outreach. In 2010, he and a few other non-traditional individuals founded the local group Sticks and Stones – which focuses on bringing together varying paths, traditions and beliefs to promote tolerance both within and outside of the community.
Talbin comes from an eclectic but naturalistic path that focuses on elemental and ancestral energies, but has been known to include everything from shamanism, druidrism, and ritual magick. You will find him most at home sitting next to a fire, under the moon and stars, listening to the whispers of the ancestors and laughing with good friends. Talbin is one of the two East Tn local coordinators for Pagan Pride.
William (Vice President)
William is the current trad head for the NortWind Tradition. He has been walking the pagan path for the past 16 years. Before moving to the Knoxville area, he led a coven in Nashville and was an active leader in the Nashville pagan community.
Shandie (Secretary)
Shandie grew up Baptist, but discovered she shared a lot of interests with Green and Kitchen Witches. She has been active in the community since 2010 after being invited for pizza at a Meet & Greet. She is most at home growing a garden and preparing meals for friends and family. She also enjoys planning events and reading.
Patrick (Treasurer)
Patrick describes his path as an eclectic blend of traditional Wicca and the ancient Egyptian beliefs and deities. He has followed this path for many years starting in early teens, and not knowing what it was until several years later that he was naturally following a pagan/wiccan path. It wasn’t until about eight years ago that he realized that there was a form of Wicca that upheld the same beliefs he did which was called Tameran Wicca.He started in the local area pagan community around 2004, and became involved with PPET in 2013. His craft name is Amasis, which in Egyptian means “child of the moon”.
Jennifer grew up Southern Baptist. As a child, she questioned her faith, and decided that it was not the right fit for her. She was introduced to Wicca while in the Army, and has embraced it since then. She is a solitary, and considers herself a Green Witch as well as a Kitchen Witch.
“I have been involved in the community off and on for about 10 years. Of those I can say five were truly active. I enjoy the social aspect, meeting and knowing members who follow many different paths, but to me the most important thing we do as a community is to give support to each other as we strive to live our lives and practice our ‘minority religions’ in a region of the country that, while greatly improved over what it has been, has not reached full tolerance for views as different as ours.
Today I walk the Red Road adding some of the practices that have worked well for me over the years from Hunduism and Tantra, Taoism/Daoism, and a few Christian practices. I have been lucky enough to form friendships in the community that have let me learn much about Wicca, Druidism, Celtic spirituality in general and the varieties of practices. I also learned a bit about Ceremonial Magick during the last decade. Participating on the board of PPET is an opportunity to give thanks for the welcome I have had here and to give back some of what I have received from others in the community. If I can help you, please let me know how.”
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming Soon
My pagan/wiccan story began back in 1985 in my then hometown of Huntsville, AL. I began my peronal practices in the Alexandrian tradition. Since then I have been part of both Dianic and mixed open circles. Once settled in Knoxville, TN. after getting married over 16 years ago, I’ve been doing patchwork solitary practice. Then about 4 years ago I found Knoxville pagan Meet & Greet and have been going to meetings and board planning meetings monthly since. I still do a majority of my personal magick as a solitary, having built on friendships I’ve made and drawing on my own turning of the Wheel as I don the mantle of ‘heavy metal Crone’. Oh yeah, and when I have the spare time I also make artisan & organic jewelry.
CJ is a Christian-Shamanic blend, who has been actively supporting the community for the past 11 years. A healer by nature, his interests include painting, service to others, laughter, and helping communities develop meaningful and respectful dialogues.
2014-2015 Board
President – Talbin MacGillivray Vice President – Joe Miller Secretary – Julie Rodgers
Treasurer – Strata Gienow Social Media Rep – Fera Lunaris
Talbin has been working within Knoxville’s pagan community since 2000 in a variety of roles including clergy, event organization, and community outreach. In 2010, he and a few other non-traditional individuals founded the local group Sticks and Stones – which focuses on bringing together varying paths, traditions and beliefs to promote tolerance both within and outside of the community.
Talbin comes from an eclectic but naturalistic path that focuses on elemental and ancestral energies, but has been known to include everything from shamanism, druidrism, and ritual magick. You will find him most at home sitting next to a fire, under the moon and stars, listening to the whispers of the ancestors and laughing with good friends. Talbin is one of the two East Tn local coordinators for Pagan Pride.
Jennifer grew up Southern Baptist. As a child, she questioned her faith, and decided that it was not the right fit for her. She was introduced to Wicca while in the Army, and has embraced it since then. She is a solitary, and considers herself a Green Witch as well as a Kitchen Witch.
Robert has been in the pagan community for over 10 years. He has no definitive path other than saying “My Path”, he is eclectic to the extreme. As described by a friend as “ Ooooh Shinny”, he does what feels right at the moment, some of the paths he draws from are; Elemental, Draconic, Druidic, Celtic, Wiccan, and Norse, to name just a few.
Strata is a rootworker and stay-at-home mom living and working in Knoxville, TN. She has been an active member of the pagan community there for the last four years and is a founding member of Sticks and Stones eclectic learning circle. Her practice is heavily influenced by hoodoo, Appalachian folk magic, and ancestral veneration. She is the owner/operator of WhooDoo Conjure curio and spiritual services shop and the author of That Hoodoo You Doo conjure blog.
“I have been involved in the community off and on for about 10 years. Of those I can say five were truly active. I enjoy the social aspect, meeting and knowing members who follow many different paths, but to me the most important thing we do as a community is to give support to each other as we strive to live our lives and practice our ‘minority religions’ in a region of the country that, while greatly improved over what it has been, has not reached full tolerance for views as different as ours.
Today I walk the Red Road adding some of the practices that have worked well for me over the years from Hunduism and Tantra, Taoism/Daoism, and a few Christian practices. I have been lucky enough to form friendships in the community that have let me learn much about Wicca, Druidism, Celtic spirituality in general and the varieties of practices. I also learned a bit about Ceremonial Magick during the last decade. Participating on the board of PPET is an opportunity to give thanks for the welcome I have had here and to give back some of what I have received from others in the community. If I can help you, please let me know how.”
Fera veered onto the Pagan path, and into this community, in 2005. She is an eclectic Pagan, leaning to Irish Celtic spirituality. She is one of the founding members of Sticks and Stones and has assisted in organizing meet and greets, presentations, and ROCs. Married almost 13 years now, she spends her time and energy with her husband, 8 cats, crafting, playing D&D, and advocating liberal causes.
William is the current trad head for the NortWind Tradition. He has been walking the pagan path for the past 16 years. Before moving to the Knoxville area, he led a coven in Nashville and was an active leader in the Nashville pagan community.
Wulf veered onto the Pagan path, and into this community, in 2005. He is an eclectic Pagan, leaning to the Norse pantheon. A few years ago he started following Jediism as well. He is a member of Sticks and Stones and may be quiet at times but once you get him talking its difficult to get him to stop. Married almost 13 years now, he spends his time and energy with his wonderful wife, 8 cats, making candles, playing D&D with great friends.
Info not available
Info not available
Patrick describes his path as an eclectic blend of traditional Wicca and the ancient Egyptian beliefs and deities. He has followed this path for many years starting in early teens, and not knowing what it was until several years later that he was naturally following a pagan/wiccan path. It wasn’t until about eight years ago that he realized that there was a form of Wicca that upheld the same beliefs he did which was called Tameran Wicca.
He started in the local area pagan community around 2004, and became involved with PPET in 2013. His craft name is Amasis, which in Egyptian means “child of the moon”.
Info not available
CJ is a Christian, pagan-friendly member of the board who has been actively supporting the community for the past 11 years. His interests include painting, service to others, and helping communities develop meaningful and respectful dialogues.
2013-2014 Board
Talbin MacGillivray – President
Talbin has been working within Knoxville’s pagan community since 2000 in a variety of roles including clergy, event organization, and community outreach. In 2010, he and a few other non-traditional individuals founded the local group Sticks and Stones – which focuses on bringing together varying paths, traditions and beliefs to promote tolerance both within and outside of the community.
Talbin comes from an eclectic but naturalistic path that focuses on elemental and ancestral energies, but has been known to include everything from shamanism, druidrism, and ritual magick. You will find him most at home sitting next to a fire, under the moon and stars, listening to the whispers of the ancestors and laughing with good friends.
Thorne Crossroads – Treasurer
Thorne has been studying various paganisms for 25 years. He has been practicing witchcraft as long as he can remember. He was first initiated into a form of Wicca in 1992, although currently he considers himself non-practicing. Joining Eclypse on the Fall Equinox of 1996, he has been an active member of the East Tennessee Pagan community ever since.
Thorne is a currently teaching a Neo-paganism class. He is spinning webs, casting spells, worshiping those Gods he feels called to, rolling dice, writing, and generally causing trouble whenever the mood strikes him from his home in Seymour, the Valley of the Dragons, and various Roosts.
Kaly – Vice President
Kaly first found the craft in the late 90’s. She joined the community in 2002 and has been involved ever since. Kaly considers herself an eclectic pagan and while she has been involved in groups, she is currently working solo if you consider her roommate, boyfriend, best friend, 14 cats and a hamster as solo.
Jennifer – Secretary
Jennifer grew up Southern Baptist. As a child, she questioned her faith, and decided that it was not the right fit for her. She was introduced to Wicca while in the Army, and has embraced it since then. She is a solitary, and considers herself a Green Witch as well as a Kitchen Witch.
Robert has been in the pagan community for over 10 years. He has no definitive path other than saying “My Path”, he is eclectic to the extreme. As described by a friend as “ Ooooh Shinny”, he does what feels right at the moment, some of the paths he draws from are; Elemental, Draconic, Druidic, Celtic, Wiccan, and Norse, to name just a few.
Strata Gienow
Strata is a rootworker and stay-at-home mom living and working in Knoxville, TN. She has been an active member of the pagan community there for the last four years and is a founding member of Sticks and Stones eclectic learning circle. Her practice is heavily influenced by hoodoo, Appalachian folk magic, and ancestral veneration. She is the owner/operator of WhooDoo Conjure curio and spiritual services shop and the author of That Hoodoo You Doo conjure blog.
No information available
No information available
Fera Lunaris
Fera veered onto the Pagan path, and into this community, in 2005. She is an eclectic Pagan, leaning to Irish Celtic spirituality. She is one of the founding members of Sticks and Stones and has assisted in organizing meet and greets, presentations, and ROCs. Married almost 13 years now, she spends her time and energy with her husband, 8 cats, crafting, playing D&D, and advocating liberal causes.
William is the current trad head for the NortWind Tradition. He has been walking the pagan path for the past 16 years. Before moving to the Knoxville area, he led a coven in Nashville and was an active leader in the Nashville pagan community.
Wulf veered onto the Pagan path, and into this community, in 2005. He is an eclectic Pagan, leaning to the Norse pantheon. A few years ago he started following Jediism as well. He is a member of Sticks and Stones and may be quiet at times but once you get him talking its difficult to get him to stop. Married almost 13 years now, he spends his time and energy with his wonderful wife, 8 cats, making candles, playing D&D with great friends.
She has been an active member of the pagan community for over five years. Rather than choosing a single path, she identifies herself as eclectic and prefers to wander through the spaces in between. She credits close friends with helping her to realize that in our quest for personal peace, we must sometimes depart from the traditions of our forebears and forge our own path.