Category: Children’s Activities

Event Policies
Attention participants of PPET events
It is the policy of Westside Unitarian that no weapons are allowed on the property. This includes blades, swords, etc. Alcohol is only permitted with special permission, which PPET has not obtained (and cannot obtain due to Pagan Pride International requirements). Westside also has clear rules about children being monitored by their parents at all times.
As such, all events hosted by Pagan Pride of East Tennessee must be alcohol-free and no weapons may be carried or vended at the location.
Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times.
The same policies are also in effect for the Sevierville Civic Center where Pagan Pride Day will be held again this year on September 13th.
PPET asks that you please do no carry these prohibited items on your person or bring them in to any of our sponsored events. Doing so will require us to ask you to take the item back to your vehicle.
Parents – do not leave your children unattended / unsupervised. Supervision does not include leaving younger children in the care of underage teenagers / siblings.
Those who choose not to respect these requests will be asked to leave.
These policies are not only to comply with the requirements of the venues at which we hold events, but also for the safety of everyone attending and working at these events.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
– Pagan Pride of East Tennessee Board