Pagan Pride Day 2017
Presentations and Workshops
Conference Room (indoors)
12:00 pm: Who are the Ancestors Otherworld Apothecary
1:00 pm: Folk Magic History Jack Montgomery
2:15 pm: Ancestral Offerings Strata
3:15 pm: Ancestral Altars: Front Porch Conjure/Tara O’Donniley
Front Porch Conjure will be doing a workshop about the importance of working with the ancestors and how to begin working with them. This will include how to build and maintain your altar, prayers and how this can change your life.
4:15 pm: Ancestral Rituals Lady Mary
Group Construction of a Family Equinox Ritual to Honor the Ancestors: we’ll make apple candleholders and wreaths to place on the graves or grave representations if you cannot travel to your ancestors graves and we’ll construct a ritual meal that is picnic transportable. We’ll discuss stories and also make a memory feather to always have as a portable symbol of our ancestors.
In place of a cancellation, the following session will be offered:
Ancestral worship and kids – Easy ways to honor your ancestors with the children in your life: Johanna Miller
Outdoor Tent
‘Southern Yoga’ with Kristina!
Check for times upon arrival
For more information, visit our Pagan Pride Day 2017 Page.